Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Down the Rabbit Hole

Ok, here’s my list of references to “down the rabbit hole.”

page 85: when Ingrid is trying to break into Cracked-up Katie’s house to steal back her soccer cleats, and she pushes open the basement window, gets facedown on the ground, wriggles back into the opening feetfirst. “She could just let go.  Alice, down the rabbit hole.”

page 97: when Ingrid is running from the police in the woods in the middle of the night, and finds herself on the top of a hill overlooking the Falls, on the opposite bank from Prescott Hall, “Griddie, deep down the rabbit hole.”

page 328: the conversation between Vincent and Ingrid at the special rehearsal, the two of them alone in Prescott Hall,

“I know, but I still think it’s meant to be a fun thing.”

“A fun thing?”

“The whole story of Alice,” said Ingrid.  “Falling down the rabbit hole, having all those adventures.”

“Not all adventures are fun…”

page 357: when Ingrid goes back to Prescott Hall in the middle of the night and decides to climb in through the cat door, “This one was big enough for a real big cat, maybe even big enough for a girl Ingrid’s size.  She tried it—yes, just big enough.  She wriggled through to the other side: down the rabbit hole.”

Hmmm…there are only 4.  I can’t find the 5th one.  If you find it, let me know.